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Filter and Aggregator

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:40 pm
by vijayrc
Hi, I have a CFF as Input and a Filter to split the CFF input into two CFF's based on two criteria. With CFF_Out1 and CFF_Out2, as input to an AGGREGATOR, I wanted an output that is sum of certain criteria.
This is the problem:- When I tried to add a link to an AGGREGATOR, the link shows up as only Reject link between CFF_Out and Aggregator...Am I missing something here.....Any help is appreciated. Thanks, V

Re: Filter and Aggregator

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:43 pm
by us1aslam1us
vijayrc wrote: This is the problem:- When I tried to add a link to an AGGREGATOR, the link shows up as only Reject link between CFF_Out and Aggregator...Am I missing something here.....Any help is appreciated. Thanks, V
I believe you are doing something wrong there try right clicking on the link and convert it to stream.maybe that can help .


Re: Filter and Aggregator

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:53 pm
by vijayrc
us1aslam1us wrote:
vijayrc wrote: This is the problem:- When I tried to add a link to an AGGREGATOR, the link shows up as only Reject link between CFF_Out and Aggregator...Am I missing something here.....Any help is appreciated. Thanks, V
I believe you are doing something wrong there try right clicking on the link and convert it to stream.maybe that can help .

Tried changing to Stream link..but comes out w/ this error
[40831] Source stage does not support non-reject output links whilst it has input links

Well..Learning..I took out CFF_Out and directly gave the link from the Filter to the Aggregator to an output file. And this helps. Thanks

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:03 am
by kumar_s
CFF stage is a passive stage. It cannot have both input and output link together.
It can have only one input link to CFF and one reject link from the CFF stage.
Perhaps you may need to use another job to read that file and aggregate it.

Stages in PX

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:43 am
by khaja

1.I would like to know how a dataset works and difference
between Complex flat file and normal flat file
2.What a Copy stage does is it useful only to transfer data from one stage to other

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:42 pm
by ray.wurlod
Most passive stages, the CFF included, have only one output link. There may also be an optional rejects link. A Copy stage copies its input to one or more outputs. It can drop or rename columns as part of this process.

A Data Set doesn't "work" in any sense you're asking about; it's a location in memory or on disk in which data are placed, stored in internal format, and from which another stage can acquire the data without the need to generate either an export or an import operator.

There may or may not be any difference between a complex and a normal flat file. If there is, it may be that the complex flat file has more than one record type, or has repeating groups.