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Stored procedure option - Execute procedure for each row

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:50 pm
by rmrama

I'd like to get some details about the stored procedure stage available in Datastage PX 7.5. My interest centers around the "Execute procedure for each row" option.

I understand that if this option is left unchecked, the stored procedure will execute at the end of the job. So if 1000 rows are to flow through the Input link, all 1000 are "collected" before the stored procedure stage starts.

My question: After all 1000 rows are collected, will the stored procedure fire once to process all 1000 rows, or will it fire 1000 times to process each row?

I'm asking because there is an existing ProC job that collects 3000 rows before passing the rows at once into a stored procedure (actually, each row is broken into column arrays), thus minimizing the number of calls for the stored procedure. I need to somehow build such a feature into an ETL job, mainly because I see value in the design.

Thanks heaps!
Ramanathan Murugappan