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Teradata stored Procedure error

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:58 am
by forboy

Iam Using stored procedure stage in Datastage 7.5.1. I want to call Teradata stored procedure and procedure type is transform.

Can I call Teradata stored procedure because in the Database vendor it displays -- Oracle, DB2 and Sybase only.

I tried using these vendors I got the follwoing error.

Stored_Procedure_0,0: Error: Could not load
Stored_Procedure_0,0: Error occurred in call to ORPHCallActivePluginInitialize().

Anybody help me here please.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:43 pm
by rasi

Stored Procedue stage only support Oracle, DB2 and Sybase as you can these in the drop down box. I never tried calling stored procedure thro datastage, I think you have to construct user defined sql to call stored procedure