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Change Capture Stage passing columns

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:29 am
I am using a Change Capture stage and would like for it to pass through a column from the Before dataset. I am not finding where this is possible the only values that are made available in the Output tab are from the After dataset.

Before dataset

After dataset

Desired return set:
Key_col (from after)
Value_col (from after)
Value2_col (from after)
Value3_col (from after)
Timestamp_col (from before)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:22 pm
by Mat01
Hi Breidy,


Look for the last post



Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:26 am
by kumar_s
Change Apply can be used in conjuction with Change Capture to obtained the Before/After Fields.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:41 am
I am not getting the Change Apply to working that way. I am not able to retreive any fields from the before record set only the changed recordset.

Additionally I want to use the change_code values to determine various date fields (Create, Update, Delete dates), not to acutally perform any changes. So if change_code = 1 then I set up the Create date else it stays equal to what should be returned from the before dataset and if change_code = 2 then Delete date gets set (all other dates remain same from before dataset) and records is NOT deleted.

I was able to accomplish this using a merge stage and it worked great for the first job I set up, but now with a new table (much larger dataset both rows and columns) I am getting errors stating that the input fields do not exist.

So my job is Before_Data and After_Data into Change_Capture stage, then Change_Capture stage and Before_Data into Merge stage into Transformer Stage into Oracle table

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:51 am
by kumar_s
Yes you got the way out. You can use merge/Join - Transformer for this purpose. But shouldnt be getting any erros like "input fields do not exist. "
Pls let know the number of columns you use.