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DB2 UDB Remote Configuration

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:28 pm
by rajanalla
I have installed DataStage Enterprise Edition on AIX 5.1 which is residing on ServerA and my remote db2 server is residing on AIX5.1 serverB.According to the DataStage manual that I got from the Ascential Support I have configured the connectivity step by step still I am not able to connect to the DB2 server.I have configured the configuration file with the db2node as well as local server nodes,the problem is when I check the configuration file for the serverB the configuration file gives me the error message as Section leader <serverB> died and also I am getting the error as rsh initiated no response received.i tried rsh command directly on serverA and ServerB from the unix command prompt and it is connecting fine without the password.I also checked the etc/hosts file on serverA as well as ServerB they are rightly configured. and also the .rhosts file on both the servers I have given the hostnames.

By the way I am configuring this connectivity for the DB2 UDB stage.

If anybody has experienced this kind of DB2 configuration issues please let me know.I will be very thankful If anybody can give me a solution.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:10 pm
by MTA
I belive DB2 EE stage would not work for hetrogenious systems. Use db2 API Stage instead. I am sure If the operating systems are different then DB2 EE stage would not work.But you may still want to double check with ascential since the remote Operating system is the same.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:21 pm
by Mat01

If you try to configure the way the manual tells you to, you will need to install DataStage on the remote server too. This why it does a rsh connection, it is treating both your servers as part of a cluster and it wants to start DataStage on the remote server.

There is a way to trick DataStage into accessing DB2 remotely without installing it on both servers.
You need to map your remote DB in your local client and set it in trusted mode.
Name the remote instance the same then the local one.
In the UDB stage, use the client instance name option and the name there should equal to the server name (even though they aren't the same instance).
This will work if you have the same DB2 version on both machines.
Performance might not be optimal but should be acceptable.



Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:39 am
by rajanalla
Hi Mat,

I have copyied the PX Engine to the remote db2 machine suing orchinst-copy to the db2 machine but still it is not working.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:55 am
by Mat01
Hi Rajanalla,

Sorry but I have never tried that. You went further than me. Perhaps you could recontact IBM.

