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Fatal Error When performing Lookup

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:47 pm
by somu_june

Can any one Help me in getting me out from this error.

I have source file text file with material char(7) as a columm and Iam having a OSP in DB2 table with Varchar(7) as a key. Iam looking with Material to OSP . I used functions to trim whitespaces after material and I also had two Leading 00 before material.And for second Key columm Mandt
Iam assaigning key expression as job parameter

Ex 00S0003X

I used TrimLeadingTrailing(Frm_src.Material) and I also tried with StripWhitespace(frm_src.Material). Iam getting an error showing....

main_program: Syntax error: Error in "lookup" operator: Error in input redirection: Error in input parameters: Error in view adapter: Error in binding: Expected '=', got: ")", line 43
Expected ';' or ']', got: "=", line 43; text: "=", line 43 [view()
Expected option or identifier, got: ")", line 44; text: [view()=OSP;


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:38 pm
by kumar_s

The error you mentioned is not seems to be related to the funcitons you use. Is there any condition used in your lookup.
Try to make 'material' as varchar and trim the leading zeros.
