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Problem when passing FTP user account as a parameter

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:02 pm
by vinay_renu2001
Hi All

I have a FTP account username as "xyz\abc"

When iam trying to pass my FTP account user name as a parameter in FTP plug-in Stage, the job is getting aborted. When i pass my user-id straight away, the job is running successfully.
Is it a problem because the user-id contains "\" init. Actually what happening is DataStage engine is not considering the "\", when i checked in the log the Error message it is giving as "xyzabc" was unable to login".

Can any one helpme out in this..

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:59 pm
by lstsaur
Hi Vinay,
FTP stage treats \ as an Escape charcter. Give a try with "xyz\\abc".

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:44 am
by vinay_renu2001
lstsaur wrote:Hi Vinay,
FTP stage treats \ as an Escape charcter. Give a try with "xyz\\abc".
Hi lstsaur

I tried with this option aswell.. but it is not working.

Actually they created the FTP Account User-id as "xyz/abc"..

Can you give me any more suggestions...

Thanks in Advance