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Import Error

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:46 am
by ccatania
When extracting from a sequential text file, I am receiving the following warning message for one field. The field is has a date value but is defined Integer(7) and Null ='Y'.

In the transform I added logic to handle zero value by setting the date to our default value of 9999-12-31. This is the logic:

IF ((NUM(Source_IN.IDEAL_DUE_ITEM) = 0) OR (Source_IN.IDEAL_DUE_ITEM = 0))THEN '99991231' ELSE '200':(Source_IN.IDEAL_DUE_ITEM).

The logic works fine, I verified this in Peek.
The Warning message I get is:

SEQL_Tgt_OPALExpeditDet,0: Field "IDEAL_DUE_ITEM" has import error and no default value; data: {I D E A L _ D U E _ I T E M}, at offset: 20 [impexp/group_comp.C:6028]

Our standard are for zero warnings so I have to get this message fixed. I'm at a lost right now for a solution, any thoughts :?:



Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:58 am
by kumar_s
It might be issue with the source file.
IDEAL_DUE_ITEM might be blank at some point. Better you can give defaults in the reading input stage itself.
You can find this option under Feild Property. You can assign 0 as default and which will help your condition check in transformer as well or you can directly give your default value as 99991231.


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:21 am
by ArndW
The error message shows that the data it is reading is the name of column - perhaps the first line of your source contains column names and you haven't specified that and this is the first non-string column and is therefore giving the error.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:30 am
by ccatania
In checking the Format field defaults I noticed that my Source txt file had one extra field default that was missing from the DS process that created this input file. I added the missing default and recreated the source file, the warning message is now gone.

thank you for your input... :wink: