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Problem with DB2 lookup

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:06 pm
by somu_june
Hi ,

Iam having a problem with db2 lookup.
In db2 stage -- output page --- properties tab --- connections ---- use default server option i gave as true.

Iam getting an error like this

## E TNDB 000000 13:59:53 (001)<DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> Error ldx=1;

how to set DB2instance environmental variable and
how to set the partition table in output page -- properties tab -- source -- partition table
since iam using Read method = User defined sql .


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:25 pm
by vmcburney
Try running a View Data from your job, when it fails you should be given a prompt to look at the parallel log for that job, this will have a more informative error message.

Your DB2Instance settings are in the Install and Upgrade Guide. You need to add them to the dsenv file or if you have multiple DB2 client environments on the one server (dev, test, uat) you add some to the dsenv and some to the project Environment settings via Administrator.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:34 am
by somu_june

I can give you more information about my problem . it says

TUTL 000031 09:24:25(001) <main_program> The open files limit is 12000; raising to 2147483647.

##I TOSH 000002 09:24:25(002) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 09:24:25(003) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 09:24:25(004) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##I TFSC 000001 09:24:25(005) <main_program> APT configuration file: /dstage/Ascential/DataStage/Configurations/default.apt

##W TCOS 000049 09:24:26(000) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: _APT_CONFIG_FILE

##W TCOS 000049 09:24:26(001) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: DSProjectMapName

>##E TNDB 000000 09:24:26(003) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> Error Idx = 1;

>DB2 Driver Embedded SQL message: ;
>sqlcode = -1390;
>sqlstate =

>##E TNDB 000000 09:24:26(004) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> Failed to connect to the database
>##E TOPK 000000 09:24:26(007) <_PEEK_IDENT_> Input dataset does not have field: "MANDT".
>##E TOPK 000000 09:24:26(008) <_PEEK_IDENT_> Input dataset does not have field: "SWO".
>##E TOPK 000000 09:24:26(009) <_PEEK_IDENT_> Input dataset does not have field: "LSP".
>##E TOPK 000000 09:24:26(010) <_PEEK_IDENT_> Input dataset does not have field: "OSP".
>##E TFSR 000019 09:24:26(012) <main_program> Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(013) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator has a binding for the non-existent output field "MANDT".
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(014) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator has a binding for the non-existent output field "SWO".
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(015) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator has a binding for the non-existent output field "LSP".
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(016) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator has a binding for the non-existent output field "OSP".
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(017) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator keeps field "MANDT" which is not present in the output interface.
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(018) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator keeps field "SWO" which is not present in the output interface.
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(019) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator keeps field "LSP" which is not present in the output interface.
##W TFOR 000000 09:24:26(020) <DB2_UDB_Enterprise_1> When checking operator: The modify operator keeps field "OSP" which is not present in the output interface.
>##E TCOS 000029 09:24:26(021) <main_program> Creation of a step finished with status = FAILED.

Can I give server name instead of db2instance name . And how to see the $ DSHOME env variable in AIX

problem with db2 lookup

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:25 pm
by somu_june

My problem is db2 ,Ascential datastage are on different servers . wether I have to give the path of my DB2 installation directory for DB2instance in Administrator APT_DB2INSTANCE_HOME or can I give a server name directly
in outputs page --- properties ---connection/server.


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:18 pm
by vmcburney
You need to perform a DB2 remote server configuration. Ring Ascential/IBM support and ask for the latest DB2 Remote Configuration Guide or get the old version I uploaded to Ascential devnet. You will need to add the client option to your DB2 stage which will let you define the remote user login and password settings in your stage. There are a number of other configuration settings to consider as outlined in the guide.