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Director Log shows fatal messages but job successful

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:44 pm
by gsherry1
Hello Forum,

I have a job that is simply generating rows and loading them to Teradata via Teradata Enterprise Stage. The Director status panel reports "Finished", and the last log entries report the following

"main_program: Step execution finished with status = OK."
"Parallel job reports successful completion"
"Finished Job RowGeneration_NCDTestConfig."

Further inspection reveals there are four log entires of Type 'Fatal' with red icon.

I understand why I get fatal errors, and have corrected the problem by deduping the input. What I don't understand is why Director reports the job as a success. I am using no message handling to upgrade/downgrade messages.

Any suggestions?



Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:11 pm
by ameyvaidya
Hi greg,

I'd noticed it sometimes in large jobs (many stages) that processed very few rows of data.

I suspect this happens when the time needed for all Job processes to terminate abnormally is more that the time needed to finish processing.

So before the error is caught and the Job can be aborted, it has already finished processing.

Though I may be wrong on this.... :?: