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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:37 pm
by trokosz
No one will ever answer this type of questions......sounds like you need experience and education

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:16 pm
by kcbland
Lali, a lot of those questions call for opinions rather than facts. They also need specifics to a given environment. An NT implementation on a 2 cpu machine is different than a Unix implementation on a 24 cpu machine. Same for the challenges and such. Disaster recovery and failover depend on how much money a company wants to spend. As for monitoring and scheduling, some functionality is free within the tool, but does it work best for a given company? If they wish enterprise awareness with tracking capabilities, then I guess Director and cron/at are not sufficient.

Anyone can spend some time reading past discussions regarding lots of these issues. To sit down and answer, in detail, for various hardware and budgetary considerations, all of your questions would be quite time consuming. I could probably spend a whole day verbally discussing with someone the ramifications of using enterprise scheduling tools instead of cron or at. I'm sorry but your questions are yours to discover, there's a lot of history on this forum to use. Good luck.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:27 am
by ray.wurlod
Most of those questions can be answered in Powerpoint - after all, everything works in Powerpoint. :lol:

However, as the others have also noted, there are large, complex and, at times, subjective factors that would come into play. Perhaps you could ask the client to be more specific with the questions.

Otherwise I predict that the presentation will not succeed because to do it justice you will necessarily put them into a condition of "information overload".

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:34 am
by Lali_swam
Ray et al,
Yes, I totally agree with you all in the sense that the Qs are very subjective and there is no one-stop solution for them.

But I was wondering if someone could throw some light on
1) how failovers are normally done and how an ADRP(Automated Data Retriever and Processor) is implemented in DSEE.
2) What does one mean by
' Multiple projects in the same instance'
' Multiplt projects in multiple instances'

3) What are Instant Strategies

I have gathered and prepared a few slides for most of the Qs but the above ones. I dont think there is a one-point solution to all these but i need answers as in more Generic terms. Thanks again.
Yes, I do need some more experience and education, after all I am still a 5-month old baby in DataStage.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:13 am
by ray.wurlod
1) They're not.
2) The notion of instance is foreign to DataStage. Have them clarify.
3) I have no idea what Instant Strategies means other than in the food industry.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:17 am
by ArndW
I think that (2) means instances of the server engine. Multiple projects in one instance of the engine is common and typical. You can have multiple instances of the server engine using the same or different versions on the same machine, these are completely independant from each other and each instance can in turn have multiple projects.