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Fatal Error Invalid character encountered in table

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:05 am
by alisoviejo
I am writing to an Oracle table, if I use the option "Upsert" the job completes fine and loads around 200K records.

If I use Load with Truncate option, it gives me this error

"main_program: Fatal Error: Invalid character encountered in table TempTable"

Any one with ideas,

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:51 pm
by jenkinsrob
If you are using the LOAD option then Datastage will be using SQL Loader to insert records into the DB.

If you check your logs then you should find reference to a SQL Loader Log file called something like ora.23480.494029.0.log

This file will be located on the resource scratchdisk defined in your Configuration File and might provide you with some more info to help solve your problem.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:34 am
by ag_ram
Hi All,

I am encountering the same problem. I am not able to see any error regarding the sql loader.

After the score is given, the next line says that"Fatal Error: Invalid character encountered in table".

Did any one faced the similar issue?
