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Converting EBCDIC to ASCII in Transformer Derivations

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:03 pm
by gsherry1
Hello Forum,

I have a need to convert a string from EBCDIC to ASCII for the purposes of doing some logic in stage variables. I would like to do this in a Parallel transformer if possible.

I was adding the EBCDIC attribute to the schema file, and this was allowing my stage variable logic to evaluate properly, however in some cases DS came across some non-ebcdic character hex values and decided to convert them to something that it thought I would like. I did not like this, as it is important to me that the original data be placed in output and be unaltered.

I see that there are some convenient functions like ASCII and EBCDIC in Server edition, and was wondering if there was a parallel equivalent before I switched my job to use the BASIC transformer to gain access to these functions.

Thanks in advance,
