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Cannot read template file 'dssendmail_template.txt'

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:12 am
by Christina Lim

Our email notification is working fine until recently.

Anyone had any idea why am i getting this error?
TWN_SendMail.TWN_Wait_For_MonthlyFile_EU.JobControl (DSSendMail): Cannot read template file 'dssendmail_template.txt'
TWN_SendMail.TWN_Wait_For_MonthlyFile_EU.JobControl (Info): Return code from DataStage send mail is -17
TWN_SendMail.TWN_Wait_For_MonthlyFile_EU.JobControl (fatal error from FatalError0): Error in executing DSSendMail command. Email may not be sent out. Please call support personnel immediately!
Appreciate your response.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:29 am
by ArndW

is the file dssendmail_template.txt present in your project directory and are the permissions set so that the userid your DS job is run as can read it? IF the file is there and readable can you see when it was last changed (does it coincide with the time that e-mail stopped working)?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:55 am
by mujeebur
This similar issue we were faced and analyzed the problem. The email notification was sending successfully , When we run our DS jobs via 'dsadm', but if run by developer user-id , getting the error.

DSSendMail routine will be creating a script <job_name>_dssendmail and will be removed after the job completed , with the user 'dsadm' and is not allowing to execute the same , if you run via developer user-id.

We have informed the same to Ascential.