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Error during running the PX program having transformer

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:57 am
by neeraj

I am facing following problem while running the PX job.

Transformer_7: Failed to load the library "V0S7_parallel_seq_Transformer_7.dll". Either the directory containing the library file is not on the library search path, or the library was compiled on a system that is incompatible with this system. Could not find "V0S7_parallel_seq_Transformer_7" on the library search path defined by the environment variable PATH; path: /D=/Ascential/DataStage/DSCAPIOp:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/RTIOperators:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/DSParallel:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Neeraj_project/RT_BP123.O:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/Engine/bin:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Neeraj_project/wrapped:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Neeraj_project/buildop:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/user_osh_wrappers:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/osh_wrappers:/D=/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/bin:/C=/ODI/OStore/bin:/C=/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/bin:/C=/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/bin/X11:/C=/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/mksnt:/D=/oracle/ora92/bin:/C=/Program Files/Oracle/jre/1.3.1/bin:/C=/Program Files/Oracle/jre/1.1.8/bin:/C=/WINDOWS/system32:/C=/WINDOWS:/C=/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/D=/turboc.

Please tell me what changes i need to make to run my simple parallel job hacing sequential stage as a source and target and trasnformer stage

Thanks in advance
Neeraj Mahajan

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:05 am
by chulett
The error message tells you the problem. The transformer stage is actually compiled rather than generated osh script, so a C++ compiler is needed. And it either couldn't find yours or didn't like what it found. :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:52 am
by Eric
Did you have visual studio .NET installed Before installing DataStage?