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Error while running the orchestrate scripts

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:55 am
by dsusr
Hi All,

I am trying to create the osh script for some small logic.

Following is the code that I have written in the osh script:-

transform -outputschemafile 'out_schema'
-inputschemafile 'schemaforos'
-expressionfile expfile
-flag compile -dir '/home/dsadm/testDS/OshTestSal' -name transferfile;
-schemafile 'schemaforos'
-file 'InpFileLeft.txt'
|tsort -key 'var1' -hash -desc
|transform -flag run -name >| OutOsh3.txt

While I am trying to run this script I am getting the following error:-

##F TUXX 000001 14:47:36(000) <main_program> Internal Error: (obj): transform/transform.C: 1526
Traceback: Could not obtain stack trace; check that 'gdb' and 'sed' are installed and on your PATH

I have checked and found that no gdb is installed on the PATH but sed is already there.

If anyone has any idea about this error, please help me :(


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:15 am
by ray.wurlod
Find where gdb is and make sure that its parent directory is in the PATH.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:45 am
by dsusr
ray.wurlod wrote:Find where gdb is and make sure that its parent directory is in the PATH.
Hi Ray,

I have searched on my Unix machine and there is no executable with the name gdb.

I dont know if this problem is exactly related to gdb only or some other thing since if it is a gdb problem then I would not have been able to run the PX transformer also but I am able to run the PX transformer.


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:45 am
by Eric
This is a message that the osh is wrong in some way.

Why are you trying to write in Osh?
Why don't you create your job using the Designer?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:28 am
by dsusr
Eric wrote:This is a message that the osh is wrong in some way.

Why are you trying to write in Osh?
Why don't you create your job using the Designer?
Hi Eric,

The requirement is such that my output schema is fixed, but the input schema may vary for each file. Also I am having one file that will give which output field is mapped to which input field.

So now what I am trying is to mix osh and unix scripting to dynamically create this mapping job. In the osh I will modify the expfile using Unix sed command. Problem here is that this logic cannot be implemented in transformer so just using osh for this.

If you have any suggestions, then do provide that.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:07 am
by dsusr
ray.wurlod wrote:Find where gdb is and make sure that its parent directory is in the PATH.
Hi Ray/Eric,

Thanks, noww my orchestrate script is working fine after installing the gdb.
Problem was coming since the transform operator was requiring that debugger while compilation.
