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Concatenating 'carriage return' (linefeed)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:44 pm
by seell
Input : Oracle
Output : Oracle

I have 5 input structured address fields (Block-House-No, Street Name, Building Name, Floor No, Unit No). These fields are to be concatenated into a single output address field but with multiple lines : (Line 1 : Block-house-no, Floor No and Unit NO; [linefeed] line 2 with Street Name [linefeed] and line 3 with Building Name)

How do I create the 'carriage return' (linefeed) for the output field ?

Thank you

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:30 am
by vmcburney
Use char(10) in a transformer. Eg. input.col1 : char(10) : input.col2

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:08 pm
by roy
Just wanted to point out that Vincent only mentioned the Line Feed part, If you need to plant CRLF the use Char(13) : Char(10)
Unix line termination is LF and windows is CRLF, so if it's to be displayed in a PC client while read from the Oracle DB you need to imbed CRLF.