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use of column import/transformer

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:14 am
by jasper
As an input for a job I have one table, that contains 120million records per day. In these records there are 10 straigthforward fields(char,number,...) and 4 complicated varchars.
These varchars have a structure like :
"var1"=type:"stringvalue","var2"=type:numbervalue,..... , "var_n"=type:"value";
(with different variables in each field, all records however do have the same variables in the same string).
These fields need to be extracted to seperate columns.

The design I was thinking about would be:
-select from oracle stage
-column import stage where the first column is split this will split on "," so output fields will still hold in the fields strings like "var1"=type:"stringvalue"
- since only one column can be split in a column import there will be 4 consecutive column importers
-after this a transformer with some substring-functions to get only the value out of the strings.
-get the values back in an oracle table.

This seems like a lot of stages and we are talking about 120.000.000 records/day.
Any ideas for a simpler design?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:56 am
by ray.wurlod
Can you do all the decompositions in stage variables and load the necessary columns from these?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:06 pm
by vmcburney
Agree, since you already plan to have a transformer in your job I would do it all in that transformer. The FIELD command should be able to pick the columns out of your varchars quite easily and you may need stage variables or you may be able to do it straight in the derivation fields.

The FIELD function with , as a seperate gives you each column. Running another FIELD function using " as the seperator for string fields and : as the seperator for numeric fields gives you the value.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:11 am
by jasper
thanx, I'll give this a try.