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Performing a non-equal lookup

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:16 am
by NewPXUser

I need to perform a reference to table where the key includes the effective period. i.e. Key contains of 3 cols - Main Key, Effective From Dt and Effective To Dt.

The source brings along the Main Key and event date.

I need to obtain the record from the reference which was valid on that point of time. Also any non-matching records must be identified for rejection.

Did a search but did not get anything close to my requirement. I intend few work arounds, but they will result in adding complications.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:23 am
by ArndW
Hello NewPX,

the search clauses 'range lookup' or 'select BETWEEN' will get you on your way. There really are quite a few threads and many posts on this subject -- is it a particularly common issue found in most implementations and has many different ways of approaching a solution, so you need to check around a bit before deciding on an approach.