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Warning - "User inserted sort"

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:42 am
by kumar_s
Hi DSXians,
I am getting the following warning for a Sort which is palce in front of a aggregator.
"AGG020: When checking operator: User inserted sort "SRT010" does not fulfill the sort requirements of the downstream operator "APT_SortedGroup2Operator in AGG020""
Since aggregator requrie a sorted input, i introduce a sort.
And also let me know what is better, Explicit sort or implicit sort.
I guess it is explicit sort right?? :roll:


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:15 pm
by ray.wurlod
Read the message again. Read the whole message.

It's not about implicit or explicit. It's not about Sort stage versus sort specified on a stage's input link.

The message tells you that the sort that you specified is in some way incompatible with the requirements of a downstream operator. You can find that operator by viewing the generated OSH.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:59 am
by jayantthakore

Are you changing the name of the Sort key Column and then using it for Aggregation?
You might get this warning if the Sort and Aggregating keys are different or are not in same order.


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:24 am
by kumar_s
jayantthakore wrote:Hi,

Are you changing the name of the Sort key Column and then using it for Aggregation?
You might get this warning if the Sort and Aggregating keys are different or are not in same order.

Thanks Jayant,
I too looked upon these issues before posting.

you made me to explore in to OSH, Though i couldnt get much information from that, the setup of the job was follows

Code: Select all

seq file010---->Sort020--->Aggregator030                seq file080
                                                  |                            |
                                                  |                            |
                                               merge060-------   lookup070----seqfile090
seq file040-------------Sort050-------
I found the partition method in lookup070 are maintaind as 'hash' for seqfile080 and 'same' for the merge060 stage, now i changed seqfile080 to auto(i guess it takes Entire internally) and merge060 to same.
But, just to know the reason, when i revoked the change i make, i could not get the previous warning :roll:


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:25 am
by kumar_s
Sorry the code is not alligned properly, it was merge between agg030 and sort050. and lookup to seqfile080
