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Jop Parametre

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:22 am
by koojo
Jobs are set up in the following order

Sequencer_One ---> Calls -----> Sequencer_Two, Sequencer_Three.........

Sequencer_Two----->Calls------->Job_1 , Job_2........

All variables are $PROJDEF and set up correctly in the administartor.

All the user name passwords are passed in correctly for oracle (OCI stage) ----> from Sequencer_One to Sequencer_Two to Job_1.

However when I check the password being passed for OCI stage is encrypted and is not passed correctly in Job_1. However it is set up correctly in Sequencer_Two. From Sequencer_one to Sequencer_Two the password (encrypted) is passed in correctly. :evil:

Is there something I am missing out here :?: . Or could this be a bug.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:33 am
by Amos.Rosmarin

I guess you miss something since it is working fine for me.
There are stges like 'nested condition' that do not like parameters but I never had problems passing parameters from sequencer to a job.
Use string for pwd and if it works ok change the parameter type to encrypted.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:39 am
by roy
Yes it does happen some times :(
You'll need to retype your password and recompile.
This situation might also occur in schedualed jobs - reschedual them and in the schedual retype your parameters.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:57 am
by koojo
Thank you Roy but it wont let me type in anything (guess that is because the parametre is encrypted) but i can use insert parametre. And sequencer_one is scheduled. Thats what I did....Hope it works this time.