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Allowing different permissions to different users

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:21 am
by memrinal
I want to set different levels of permissions for different levels of users for the same DataStage jobs.

This should ensure that for the same jobs some users can only view it by opening (read permisssion) in designer.
Some can make changes in the jobs also. (write permission)
Some can only run it (from director). (execute permission)

Please let me know how this can be done.

Thanks in Advance

P.S. - something similar to rwx permssions on Unix

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:36 am
by ArndW

this is covered in detail in the documentation of DataStage. Please refer to the Administrator Guide. Page 3-2 is a good starting point.

There are 3 user types in DataStage with defined roles:

1. Developers
2. Administrators
3. Operators.

more juicy details in the documentation and through a "search" of the site.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:59 am
by Amos.Rosmarin

Datastage gives roles that can be associated to unix groups and it will not give you the functionality you want.
It is better to devide environments, your production project will be read only for everyone while your development project will give full access to the developers group.
