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Database polling in PX

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:44 am
by sanjeev_sithara
How can I perform polling of a particular Oracle table continuously in PX 7.5 to find out any Inserts/Updates?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:24 am
by rasi
Have a control table to store the maximum/last keys or dates of the oracle table you want to poll. Then schedule a separate job to read the control table and find is there any changes happen to the oracle table. If it does then you can start you other downstream jobs and finally update the control table with the maximum/last keys for the next poll.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:08 am
by sanjeev_sithara
Hi Siva,

Thank You for you r reply.
The polling interval in my case is about 20 secs as specified by the client.
Suppose , I execute another job which writes to a file based on the polling result, will it create a dead lock situation since too many processes try to write to the same file (as the time interval is so small, many instances of the job can be running at the same time)?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:08 am
by pnchowdary
Hi Sanjeev,

Since the time interval for polling is 20 seconds. I feel that it can be best achieved at the database level using techniques like Triggers etc.