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strange Oracle OCI performance problem

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:42 am
by chanthou_2000
Hello everyone !!

I have a very weird problem with an Oracle OCI SQL Query.
I have compared the performance of 2 queries (which do the same thing) into an Oracle OCI
the first seems to be very slow (cos i executed an explain plan on it, an it returned me very bad results)
the second is normaly very faster than the first.

The problem is : when i execute the first job, it's quiet fast (20 000 row/s)
but when i execute the second one, the performance is ... 1500 rows/s !!

It is very strange !!!

Can anyone tell me what's going on ?

Thank you very much for your anwer


Re: strange Oracle OCI performance problem

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:56 am
by bibhudc

After the OCI stage, are both jobs doing a similar kind of processing ? i.e. is one writing to a text file while the other is going through transformations ?

One way to find out which query is really faster (outside of datastage) is to do a "create table select * from"... or do a
"select count(*) from (select * from ...."
for both queries.

Re: strange Oracle OCI performance problem

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:50 pm
by chanthou_2000
the processing after the OCI is exactly the same.
as i mentionned, i execute an explain plan and i tested the 2 queries oustide of Datastage, and i have the same conclusion.

I think, may be, that PX execute the SQL queries with parallel oracle option and it may create some weird results. What do you think about it ?
i wonder myself if the array size parameter had some influence on the performance in that case. May be the fastest query need more array size thant the slowest ? i don't know ....

bibhudc wrote:Chanthou,

After the OCI stage, are both jobs doing a similar kind of processing ? i.e. is one writing to a text file while the other is going through transformations ?

One way to find out which query is really faster (outside of datastage) is to do a "create table select * from"... or do a
"select count(*) from (select * from ...."
for both queries.

Re: strange Oracle OCI performance problem

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:49 pm
by bibhudc
[quote="chanthou_2000"]the processing after the OCI is exactly the same.
as i mentionned, i execute an explain plan and i tested the 2 queries oustide of Datastage, and i have the same conclusion.

If you tested both queries outside of datastage -- and if you returned ALL (not just the FIRST few) records from both queries and the 1st sql was slower than the 2nd, then yes, I would be surprised to see that the behaviour changed in Datastage.