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jobs not running

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:21 am
by legendkiller
Hi we have install datastage recently we are facing problem in running the job. Job is getting compiled properly but when we are trying to run job from director nothing is happening. do anybody have any inputs on this

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:25 am
by ArndW

no inputs until you tell us more. Does the job status in the director change from "Compiled" to something else? Is it a Px job or a Server job? Does it do anything special? Can you do a Validate on the job, or a Reset? Can you run it from the Designer?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:37 am
by legendkiller

Director log is showing compiled status even when we try to run the job. it is px job also if i try try to validate job nothing is happening it just show status of job as compiled. we have install datastage on linux platform.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:56 am
by ArndW
What about if you try to compile & run from the designer? Do other jobs run in the director? Are you logged in as administrator or as another user? If you go to the project directory and it's subdirectory &PH&, delete the files therein and try to run the job in the director, do one or more files show up in this directory? If so, cat them (they are text files showing stdout of the background processes).

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:12 am
by nchincholikar
This is a fresh installation.
We created one sample job.That I'm able to comiple thru normal user as well as admin.But that job is not runnig.
We tried to develop and run Server as well as PX jobs none of the job is running.

&PH& is empty as of now.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:20 am
by Sainath.Srinivasan
Is there a before job stage?

Is it a multi-instance job?

Did you try rebuilding your project index?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:21 am
by ArndW
If you log in as the DataStage administrator and go into the designer for a New Server Job, go into the Job Control tab and put in one line of (dummy) program code "CALL DSLogWarn('I am a warning','')".

Compile this job and run it in the designer. Does anything show in the log file? You should have at least one entry in the &PH& directory.

Perhaps you do have a permissions issue, what permissions do you have the for DS_JOBS and any RT_JOB<nn> files in the project directory?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:03 am
by nchincholikar
In &PH& folder.Following file got produced when we ran the job.

and content of this file are as below
Project not found

Can you please tell me what could be the reason.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:06 am
by Sainath.Srinivasan
You may need to reindex your project.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:48 am
by ArndW
There is an internal problem with your project. As Sainath suggested, a reindex might solve the problem, but since you said this is a fresh install I am guessing that something has gone awry during the installation, either of the server and/or the project. Please check your installation logs for warning or errors.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:13 pm
by ray.wurlod
Did you try to run the job from Director or from dsjob? If dsjob, make sure that the project name is correctly cased as well as correctly spelled. Try running from Director (where you simply can't get the project name wrong!).

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:16 pm
by legendkiller
hi, Thanks for all the inputs we have created the new project and server jobs are runnign fine but parrallel jobs are aborting due to following error

osh_conductor: You are not authorized to proceed! Job execution is being halted! Reason: Can't run jobs on conductor node

Any inputs on above error

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 6:28 am
by Kirtikumar
Can you provide the following details?

Configuration file
job design
actual configuration of the DS server i.e. SMP or MPP and number of processors.
If MPP network name of all the nodes
Job logs when the job failed

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:51 am
by legendkiller

Configuration of the DS server is SMP with 2 processors

Following is the config file used

node "node1"
fastname ""
pools ""
resource disk "/u01/app/Ascential/DataStage/Datasets" {pools ""}
resource scratchdisk "/u01/app/Ascential/DataStage/Scratch" {pools ""}

Server name is

Job design is direct reading from seq file and writing to another seq file
with copy stage in between.

when trying to validate it is throwing error