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Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:13 am
by Prashantoncyber
Hi All,

I am getting following warning

Sequential_File_4,0: Field "job_lvl" has import error and no default value; data: {j o b _ l v l}, at offset: 40

Job is very simple

just loading the data from sequential file to another seq file while appending some column in between at Transfermormer.

Taking cue from the previous discussion , i changed datatype "integer" to "Varchar" but stil warning is persisting.

can any body suggest?



Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:16 am
by roy
could it be that you have a first line of column headers and failed to flag it in the file format option?


Re: Warning

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:22 am
by Lali_swam
I got this error one time. Maybe this particular column job_lvl datatype in the DataStage is different from what is in the Table is the Database.
For. Eg
In the Datastage I had a Prod_id Char(5) and in the Oracle Table it was only Char(4). I had changed it to char(5) manually in the DS thinking I had it char(5) in the table..Then I realized the error and corrected it. Also maybe, if you change Integer to Varchar you shd get the value in quotes( I think). Hope this helps. :lol:

Re: Warning

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:20 am
by Prashantoncyber
Lali_swam wrote:I got this error one time. Maybe this particular column job_lvl datatype in the DataStage is different from what is in the Table is the Database.
For. Eg
In the Datastage I had a Prod_id Char(5) and in the Oracle Table it was only Char(4). I had changed it to char(5) manually in the DS thinking I had it char(5) in the table..Then I realized the error and corrected it. Also maybe, if you change Integer to Varchar you shd get the value in quotes( I think). Hope this helps. :lol:
Thanks lati...

But its simple migration from sequential file to another no database is in pictuer.

i also tried from interger to varchar.

Also tried as suggested by ray.......its still persisting........


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:38 am
by elavenil
Is there any null value for that particular column? If you have null value, the import would fail so specify a default value and transform it in the transformer stage.



Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:43 am
by thebird

If you leave the field length for this particular field empty, when defining it as a varchar in the sequential file, you problem should be solved.

This happens when a numeric field is defined for a particular length in a comma delimited file, and while trying to read the data, the delimiter is not found at the particular field position.

Hope this helps.


The Bird.