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dspipe_init open - No such file or directory

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:00 am
by roy
Hi Yall,
(The single post with dspipe_init that came out of a search returned me to a posts page not the post itself :()

I have a job that runs twice.
first time against Oracle 8 (at 9:00 PM)
second time against Oracle 10g (at 9:30 PM)
Last night the first run failed at 9:25 giving the following errors in the director:
T_ChangedKodeySugPniya,2: dspipe_init(26595): open(/tmp/DW_DEV.Pny0040TeinatKodSugPniyaPrl.#2.T_ChangedKodeySugPniya.L_U_PnyKodSugPniya51-Output) - No such file or directory

T_ChangedKodeySugPniya,2: Operator's runLocally() failed

T_ChangedKodeySugPniya,2: Operator terminated abnormally: runLocally did not return APT_StatusOk

main_program: Unexpected exit status 1

main_program: Step execution finished with status = FAILED.
then the second run had a reset and run successfully (processing very few rows)
the /tmp is 1% full of 20GB and the whole job load at htat time will never come near to fill this space (I'll move it to my none volotile tmep dir anyway)

I was wondering does anyone have any ideas or potential causes for this to happen?
It is the first time I came across this message and the job usually finishes with no problem.
(Obviously I'll investigate this further)

My DS server has Oracle 8 & 10g (and hyperol if I got the name right)
But this is the dev machine and the process is in testing before production.
As far as I know there is very litle going on at this point on the DS server (I'll veryify that as well).

Any leads would be apreciated :)

Thanks in advance for your time,

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:11 am
by Kirtikumar

I faced similar kind of problem and errors in RTI jobs.

One of the causes- due to the full temp directory. After cleaning the directory the problem was fixed.

But as in your can temp has 1% used space, the problem might be with file creation permissions. Checking umask for the involved users may help.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:47 am
by roy
I've heard the sys admins say something about a problem with the FS(File System).
so it might be also the cause.

I guess a bad disk might have similar result as no space left in the FS.

I'll keep this posted if anything new pops out :).

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:50 pm
by AccentureTA

We are getting similar messages in the RTIAgent logs with no apparent cause or effect:

"<jobName>.1198531260747.rtiOutput) - A
file or directory in the path name does not exist..."

Our /tmp directory is not full and is 1% used currently.

Has anyone been able to find anything new about this?

Any help appreciated.
