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Can we Call Server routines in Parallel Extender

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by suri
Hi All,
Can we call server routines in paralle. I know they use different languages and different compliers. I am wondering is there any way to use server routines in parallel.

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:14 pm
by vmcburney
You have several options when moving from a server job to a parallel job:
- use a BASIC Transformer in your parallel job or a server transformer in a parallel shared container. It can call routines but it is a lot slower then most parallel stages.
- move your routine code into a parallel transformer using the derivation fields and stage variables. This is more difficult to maintain and test then routines and not very re-usable but it gives good performance.
- rewrite your basic routines as C++ build ops. This gives good performances and are reusable but requires a knowledge of C programming.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:47 am
by benny.lbs
you can call server routines in PE, however, if you want to run the routines in parallel, you 'd better follow vmcburney 's suggestion.

I am interested in the item you have mentioned, say "rewrite your basic routines as C++ build ops".

Can you post some simple sample for our study.

thanks a lot
vmcburney wrote:You have several options when moving from a server job to a parallel job:
- use a BASIC Transformer in your parallel job or a server transformer in a parallel shared container. It can call routines but it is a lot slower then most parallel stages.
- move your routine code into a parallel transformer using the derivation fields and stage variables. This is more difficult to maintain and test then routines and not very re-usable but it gives good performance.
- rewrite your basic routines as C++ build ops. This gives good performances and are reusable but requires a knowledge of C programming.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:17 am
by Eric
You could look at the PX Routine Samples on your Install media.
(under the samples directory -> TrxExternalFunctions)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:52 am
by vbeeram
You can call as Before/After Sub Routines

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:25 am
by Simona
Can you post some simple C code sample with Makefile using DSAPI in SUNWpro environment, since the PX Routine sample only includes straight C code. Thanks!