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Constraint based laoding

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:08 am
by srekant
How can i achieve constraint based laoding using datastage7.5 EE .My target tables have inter dependencies i.e Primarykey foreign key constraints.I want my primary key tables to be loaded first and then my foreign key tables and also primary key tables should be committed before the foreign key tables are executed.How can i go about it.

Re: Constraint based laoding

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:55 am
by ram1899

Create a Job Sequencer Job to load you tables in Sequential mode
In the sequencer Call all you Primary Key tables loading Jobs first and followed by Foreign key tables, when triggering the Foreign tables load Job trigger them only when Primary Key load Jobs run Succesfully ( i.e OK trigger)

Hope this will help you
Thank you

srekant wrote:How can i achieve constraint based laoding using datastage7.5 EE .My target tables have inter dependencies i.e Primarykey foreign key constraints.I want my primary key tables to be loaded first and then my foreign key tables and also primary key tables should be committed before the foreign key tables are executed.How can i go about it.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:07 pm
by ray.wurlod
You want the parent tables (operational masters) loaded first, you design your job sequence so that they are loaded first. Then, once they're all done (which you can enforce using an "All" Sequencer), you can load the tables that refer to them (the operational details). It's really that simple.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:56 pm
by mujeebur
To improve the performace of the Job , you can disable all the constraints on the tables and load them. Once loading done , check for the integrity of the data . which does not meet raise expetional data ans cleanse them.

This only a suggestion , normally when loading on constraints are up , will drastically peformace will go down.


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:42 am
by elavenil
If you use Star schema modelling, when you create physical DB from the model, you can delete all constraints and the referential integrity would be maintained in the ETL process by referring all your dimension keys while loading fact tables. Once all dimensional keys are assigned to a fact then dimension and fact can be loaded together. At the same time RI is being maintained at ETL process level.
