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Merging 2 files with specail handling if there is a match

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 11:05 am
by sarahendie
Using DataStage PX, I am trying to figure out how to do the following:

I have 2 files that I need to merge together such that all records from File 1 and File 2 are written out UNLESS there is a match between the 2 files (key: Billing#, Ship#, Item#). If there is a match, only the 2nd File's version of the record is written.

File 1 (Customer Billing Level Prices):
Billing # - Ship# - Item# - Price
100020 - 001 - 222548 - 0.85
111111 - 001 - 160011 - 1.10
111111 - 002 - 160011 - 1.10
111111 - 003 - 160011 - 1.10

File 2 (Customer Shiping Level Prices):
Billing # - Ship# - Item# - Price
111111 - 002 - 160011 - 2.50
657454 - 001 - 555555 - 1.25

If there is a Customer Shipping Level Price that exists, it need to be used in place of the corresponding Customer Billing Level price.

Resulting Output:
Billing # - Ship# - Item# - Price
100020 - 001 - 222548 - 0.85
111111 - 001 - 160011 - 1.10
111111 - 002 - 160011 - 2.50
111111 - 003 - 160011 - 1.10
657454 - 001 - 555555 - 1.25

Does anyone have any suggestions on how this can be done? Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks.

Sara Henderson
Information Systems Department
Univar USA Inc.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:26 pm
by bcarlson
We have into this as well. Here's what we have done:

1) After each import (on the output link, that is), add a Generator stage to add a file_id field that is hardcoded to 1 or 2 (depending on which link it is attached to)
2) Funnel the results together
3) Sort on your data keys (billing_nr, ship_nr, item_nr), and (last of all) the file_id (sort file_id ascending)
4) Use the Remove Duplicates Stage, using just the data keys (not file_id), and choose to Retain the last duplicate. If there are duplicates, only the rec with file_id 2 will be kept

Of course, this assumes that there are not duplicates within each individual file - those would be dropped also in this process.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:58 pm
by T42
Use the Change Capture Stage. Chapter 30 on your Parallel Job Developer Guide (parjdev.pdf). Handle the results on the following filter stage/transform stage. For fields that are not used, you can use a merge stage to combine those into the main stream after the Change Capture stage.

Correction: Now that I read the OP a bit more closely, that is actually something a full outer join would do, with file 2 as the primary (left) join stage.