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Multiple Routine Compilation

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:10 am
by dhletl
Hi -

Is there a way to compile multiple routines at one shot!?
(similar to the multiple job compile menu option - available in the DataStage client)

I'm using DataStage version 7.1.


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:26 am
by Sainath.Srinivasan
You can open only one routine at a time.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:29 am
by roy
what exactly do you mean?
Server Routines? (compiled when built and needs no further compilation)
C++ user routines? (A Make file will solve it)
DS wrappers for routines? (Not That I know of, currently)

(I think Ken posted something way back regarding similar question)


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:56 am
by dhletl
Thanks - I mean server routines...

On importing a datastage project dsx -with all the jobs and routines involved - we would need to compile all of them (jobs and routines) right.

In that case I am wanting to know -
- what is the way to compile all the routines (multiple) an easy way?


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:34 am
by chulett
You only 'need' to compile everything if the import doesn't contain the executables. Some people do it regardless just to be 'safe' and that's not necessarily a bad idea, depending on exactly what and from where you are importing. :wink:

Your version includes the Multiple Job Compiler tool, available from the Manager. While it can compile many jobs at a time, from what I recall you'll still have to ensure your routines are compiled before that... and it's still one at a time.

Unless you write (with an excellent understanding of the underlying structure) some code to compile them all for you. A Routine Compiler Routine. :shock: :lol:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:15 am
by Eric
There maybe options from the command line "dscc" tool?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:47 am
by ArndW

You can use the client-side program dscmdimport.exe which will import & compile routines that have been exported :).

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 11:33 am
by ram1899
I ahve seen this problem at many clients ( Which is really not problem )

When you are Exporting the Jobs why don't you Export Executebles also with your Jobs there is Option you need to Check when you are exporting the Jobs By doing this you Don't need to Complie any Jobs or Routines when you have imported Project/Jobs.

You don't need to write/Devlope any program for Compileing the Jobs/Routines

Hope this will Help you

ArndW wrote:dhletl,

You can use the client-side program dscmdimport.exe which will import & compile routines that have been exported :).

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:30 pm
by kcbland
I have a utility that compiles jobs and one for routines. I'll look to see if it's posted on this forum, otherwise, it's availbable for download on my company website user area.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:43 pm
by kduke
This is available in 7.5.1 in case anyone cares.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 12:15 am
by ArndW
ram1899 wrote:I ahve seen this problem at many clients ( Which is really not problem )

When you are Exporting the Jobs why don't you Export Executebles also with your Jobs there is Option you need to Check when you are exporting the Jobs By doing this you Don't need to Complie any Jobs or Routines when you have imported Project/Jobs.

You don't need to write/Devlope any program for Compileing the Jobs/Routines

Hope this will Help you

I have about 100 routines that I want to compile, so rather than use an external or extra tool I export without the object and have DS recompile all on re-import. This takes less than a minute (without the compile-time); I don't see where this is a problem.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:52 am
by ahmediftikhar
Here is the usage of dscc utility

Usage: dscc [@argfile] [/?] /h <value> [/o] [/u <value>] [/p <value>] <project>
[/j <value>] [/r <value>] [/f] [/ouc] [/rd <value>] [/rt <value>] [/jt <value>]
[/mful <value>] [/mfcgb <value>]

@argfile Read arguments from a file.
/? Show usage.
/h <value> Name of Host to attach to
/o Omit logon details
/u <value> User Name
/p <value> Password
project Project To Attach to
/j <value> Job to compile, * = All Jobs, cat\* = category
/r <value> Routine to compile, * = All Routines, cat\* = category
/f Use the Force Compile
/ouc Only Compile Uncompiled Objects
/rd <value> Report Directory and Name
/rt <value> Type of report to produce : X = xml, T = txt - default
/jt <value> Job Type To Compile
-1 (Default) = All Types
0 = Server
1 = Mainframe
2 = Sequence
3 = Parallel
/mful <value> Mainframe Job Upload Profile
/mfcgb <value> Mainframe Code Gen base directory location

I have used the below command to compile all the routines:

dscc /h <Host IP> /u <userid> /p <password> <Project> /r *

To compile particular category use this:

dscc /h <Host IP> /u <userid> /p <password> <Project> /r <Category>\*

Hope this helps