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what difference between stages decode and compress

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:20 pm
by ranga1970
I am trying to undersatnd the basics of PX, I am wondering if some one could help on
what difference between stages decode and compress

what difference between stages decode and compress

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:01 am
by Sunshine2323
Hi Ranga,

Please refer PRAJDEF.PDF CHAPTER 24 and CHAPTER 35

The Decode stage is a processing stage. It decodes a data set using a UNIX decoding command, such as gzip, that you supply. It converts a data stream of raw binary data into a data set. Its companion stage, Encode, converts a data set from a sequence of records to a stream of raw binary data

The Compress stage uses the UNIX compress or GZIP utility to compress a data set. It converts a data set from a sequence of records into a stream of raw binary data. The complement to the Compress stage is the Expand stage

Hope this helps.