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Active \passive Stage

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:49 pm
by sriram_h
Could anyone give some brief idea about a active stage and a passive stage

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:54 am
by Amos.Rosmarin

it's a meter of terminology, stages witch access data sources/targets (like flat files or oracle access) are called passive while others that manipulate data like transformer or aggregator are called active.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:02 am
by sriram_h
Is the database connectivity like ODBC,DB2 are passive?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:47 am
by legendkiller
Yes DB2. and ODBC stage are passive stages

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:50 am
by roy
On top of what was said...
Active Stages are runtime processes, where passive stages are not.

Now you ask what happens when you do a direct link from a DB stage to a Sequential file? - under the covers a slim transformer is inserted to be the runtime process.

All part of the standard DS324 course as far as I remember.

Now one wonders what about the EE jobs? - is it the same?

(the winner answering this question will get a whole extra post to hes/her credit ;))

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:07 pm
by lstsaur
DataStage EE enables parallel processing that means executing your EE job on multiple CPUs simultaneously. Parallel server runs applications; each application has parallel connections to RDBMS. Unlike server job, each application has only one connection.

On top of what was said...
Active Stages are runtime processes, where passive stages are not.

Now you ask what happens when you do a direct link from a DB stage to a Sequential file? - under the covers a slim transformer is inserted to be the runtime process.

All part of the standard DS324 course as far as I remember.

Now one wonders what about the EE jobs? - is it the same?

(the winner answering this question will get a whole extra post to hes/her credit ;))[/quote]

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:35 am
by roy
Perhaps some one missunderstood the question (is it me?!).
We were talking about passive and active stages refering to the job design some stages are concidered as passive and some active.
the question wat what is the difference between the 2 stage types not EE vrs. SE.

I ment in server jobs ds324 course says a slim transformer is inserted to produce the process.

I asked does anyone knows is it the same in PX - or what is added? or are all stages in PX are active? and so on.

lstsaur wrote:Roy,
DataStage EE enables parallel processing that means executing your EE job on multiple CPUs simultaneously. Parallel server runs applications; each application has parallel connections to RDBMS. Unlike server job, each application has only one connection.

roy wrote:Hi,
On top of what was said...
Active Stages are runtime processes, where passive stages are not.

Now you ask what happens when you do a direct link from a DB stage to a Sequential file? - under the covers a slim transformer is inserted to be the runtime process.

All part of the standard DS324 course as far as I remember.

Now one wonders what about the EE jobs? - is it the same?

(the winner answering this question will get a whole extra post to hes/her credit ;))

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:35 am
by sriram_h
The various passive and active stages differ on different jobs or applications.Sometimes the stages work as active or sometimes passive.

Is all dynamic process/stages are active stages?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:10 am
by roy
The concept is (in simple words):
A stage that becomes a process when you run the job is called an active stage, the ones that don't are called pasive.