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Repository of metadata?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:20 am
by akrzy

Could you tell me if DataStage PX has the same metadata repository as DataSatge Server (Universe)?
Where does DS PX store all metadata?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:17 am
by ArndW

the metadata is stored in the same locations as with Server jobs, but the contents (internal format) are sometimes a bit different. Some of the specific stages such as data sets have embedded metadata, unlike the Server stages.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:34 am
by akrzy
Is there the Universe database?
Are metadata from DS Server and PX stored in the same repository?

And one more questions...
Is the Orchestrator just engine to run parallell process?

And one more additional question ... :)
If metadata are stored in repository files how can I read informations from there ( outside Director ). Do I have to read information from database repository directly?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:59 am
by ArndW

the files in which the DataStage metadata are stored are in a post-relational database system which used to be known as UniVerse. The internal files, tables and structures are not documented by Ascential (not because they don't want us to know, but because they need to be able to change the insides at any release to implement enhancements, and documenting these structures would force them to keep them unchanged for compatibility). There are a lot of documented methods of accessing and manipulating the metadata associated with DataStage jobs and data plus several programs available on the sister site and at Ascential that will also extract information.