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Moving Datasets between servers

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:11 pm
by netboyks
Could anyone let me know if there is a utility to move Datasets between two servers (from version 6.x Server to 7.5 Server).

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:49 pm
by roy
why do you need to do that?
I think that if you have the source simply rebuild the data set on your new server.
I don't have EE avail to check if there is a orcadm command for that, or if the 2 versions are compatible in that aspect.
did you check the upgrade guide for any notes regarding this? (if there are any).


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:54 pm
by T42
Datasets are NOT portable between 6.x and 7.x. Period. The structure within 6.x datasets and 7.x datasets have changed enough to break the interface.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:37 am
by roy
Yea but to give a work around, if you can call it that,
if you have the source, even if only in DS V6 data set, you can build a sequential file then process that file with your 7 version to build a new data set.
you might need to transfer the seq file to the 7 version in some mannor or setup access to it's location but you'll get the job done ;)


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:27 pm
by lcduddridge
Yes. You can copy dataset from one machine to another. I have done it. I copied from Ver6.0 to Ver 7.1 on Solaris machine.

This process is not straight forward. I have to set NFS mount point between the machines and use modified config.apt file and copied between the machines. (Use Orchadmin or osh command to copy)

One known problem between the datasets are varchar. You have to get patch for it. It is a headache. Only Ascential and ValueCap (ex-PX developers) can do this.

I would recommend to create small jobs to read the dataset and dump into a sequential file. Then move all sequential file to new machine and reverse it to dataset (if you have schema definition, you can use osh to create it easily).

Good luck.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:14 pm
by dsxuserrio
First make sure your new config.apt is using the same nodes as the old config.apt.

Using the new libraries try the following three commands.

dsrecords olddataset.ds
orchadmin describe -s olddataset.ds
orchadmin dump -p 1000 -name olddatset.ds

If these three work fine, most likely you can do one of the following to copy successfully

orchadmon copy


osh "modify 'drop junk' < olddataset.ds > newdataset.ds"

The last resort is using sequential files.