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Loading Data into a PX Job from Oracle

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:54 am
by als110
We are currently trying to load data into Datastage with a px job. The job runs fine if we run it as a server job with a user defiend query. However when we run it as a px job we get the following warning followed by the following error:

main_program: An NLS map <ISO-8859-1> is specified, but NLS_LANG is not set. The NLS map must be set to an ICU codepage which is equivalent to the character set specified by NLS_LANG

Oracle_Enterprise_8: Access to sys.dba_extents required but not available. Please see your dba for select privileges

Re: Loading Data into a PX Job from Oracle

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:20 pm
by T42
als110 wrote:Oracle_Enterprise_8: Access to sys.dba_extents required but not available. Please see your dba for select privileges
Do exactly what it suggested. Go to your DBA. Tell them, "HEY! Stop restricting my account so tightly, and let me have access to sys.dba_* tables. Kthxbaibai."

DataStage PX/EE requires the use of those dba_* tables in order to handle partitioning, among other nifty (but entirely internal) features.