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Handling Nulls in PX sequential Files

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:02 am
by fridge
Hi , I know this subject has been posted before but I still am not getting anywhere so am posting some specifics of my problem so that I can avail myself of your monumental experience and sheer brilliance (you can tell I need help)

Basically I am trying to read a csv(ish) file using PX the format is as follows


Where the date fields can be null, but (and here is the gotcha) the first 3 date fields are padded to 8 space chars if null where as the last one is terminated with a <CR> if null so the data will look something like this

Code: Select all

     0,20040216,20040216,        ,<CR>
     9,20010105,20030518,        ,<CR>
I've tried several combinations of field level settings w.r.t. the nullable date fields , namely dates1-3 having null field value='<SPC*8>' and the date4 null field value = /x0a but keep getting

Code: Select all

IBStatus,0: Input buffer overrun at field "DATE4", at offset: 36

What is the best way to specify this as its doing my head in

Thanks in advance


Null vals in the source

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:07 pm
by vbeeram
Try in this way:
Declare Date fiields as Varchar type,
Then go to columns tab click on the serial no tab of column,there u have three categories 1)Field lavel2)String Type 3)Nullable
under Nullable -----set Null Field value=Null
under String type----set Default=0 (some value)

In this way you can handle Null values.
(Repeat same procedure for other 2 date fields)


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:25 pm
by fridge
Thanks for that, after much playing (not what I told my boss) had come to same conclusion.

Have now got another prob with lookup stage but wont bore u with it as I think I am just being dense (expect post approx 14:00 tomorrow :-) )

Thanks again
