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Transfering source system data to staging area

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:23 pm
by Bilwakunj
I am new to datastage and know that datastage is an ETL tool. I am trying to relate my therotical knowledge to practical knowledge. I want to know how things are done in reality. I am curious to know in industry, how data is moved from source system to staging area? Where and How exactly datastage comes into picture?If I am having Oracle source system,DB2 source system, some data is coming in the form of Flat file then how it is moved to staging area? Is it done through UNIX shell script or datastage is having some import/export utility. I want to know what different utilities popular utilities or Ascential products are used for this? Also Say I want to load my data in Target datatabase say which is Oracle. Is it done through SQL*Loader or through the MetaBroker.
Thanks in advane!!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:10 pm
by vmcburney
I suggest you spend some time reading the short descriptions of each product at the web site. Then go into the Ascential literature library and read some of the brochures such as the DataStage Family Architecture overview.