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Fatal Error : setOutputFieldAsString()

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:54 am
by Pankaj

i get this Fatal error half way after the job has run :

dynMSSQLPMM003,0: Field type must be string in order to call setOutputFieldAsString() for field '8' in output dataset '0'.

I am using a Dynamic ODBC connecting to MS SQL server on parallel canvas and then i load it into Oracle through a Transformer.

I have looked at the datatypes at both the source and the target and they are same i.e. Varchar(100), also the encoding has been set to same for both, and the "Extended Unicode file has been set to blank" I still get the same Fatal error.

Could someone help me get rid of this Fatal error. ?


Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:34 am
by Eric
As the job seems to start running and then fail, perhaps there is an item of data in the source table that is causing the problem?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:27 pm
by pavankvk
can you juss check if u r using a basic transformer in a parallel job???

Eric wrote:As the job seems to start running and then fail, perhaps there is an item of data in the source table that is causing the problem?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:50 pm
by richdhan
Hi Pavan,

I don't think Basic Transformer has setOutputFieldAsString() function. As Eric mentioned it must be something to do with the input data.

Pankaj, if both the source and target are varchar(100) why do you have to use setOutputFieldAsString() function.


Pride comes before a fall
Humility comes before honour

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:57 am
by Pankaj
Hi All,

Firstly, I am not using the above mentioned function in any of my stages. Its something that is put in by DS.

I think that the error was due to the source data, some junk characters that caused the DS Code to terminate. To take care of this I made used setting the NLS to None. That just pulls what ever you have at source without any encoding.

Thanks for all your help.
