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Warning: Job control error (-4)

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:22 pm
by smohamme
I am getting the following warning. Can anyone please tell me exactly what is happening. This is happening at least 4 times during this sequence run with different RT_LOGs.
Job name:pxseqWeeklyMaster
Event #:1740
Timestamp:09/16/2004 5:58:54 PM
Event type:Warning
pxseqWeeklyMaster..JobControl (DSGetLogEntry): Job control error (-4)
(DSGetLogEntry) Event number 0 not found in RT_LOG258
(DSGetLogEntry) Cannot find log event with id '0'

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:52 pm
by ray.wurlod
Are you, or is anyone else in the organization, clearing log files using CLEAR.FILE? This is a common cause of this problem.

Clearing the log file using Director, on the other hand, guarantees that there's a first entry (the one that reports that the log was cleared).

What's happening is that the control records //JOB.STARTED.NO and //NEXT.SEQUENCE (or, specifically, the absence of them) are reporting that there is an event number 0 in the log, but no such event can be found.

Resetting the job may also help. It also has the benefit of cleaning up any wave numbers that are no longer required from the status records.