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how to run user defined query in parallel mode -DB2 EntStage

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:31 am
by afssekar

We are using DB2 enterprise stage for source

I have used a user defined query in that stage.

I want to execute this query in parallel mode.

The query is like.

Select a.c1, a.c2, b.c3,b.c4
from table1 a, table2 b
Where a.c3= b.c3

I want to execute this query in parallel execution mode

If i use, user defined query by default the execution mode becomes sequential.

We tried by changing the properties for user defined query.

We added Partition tablename we included the table1 as it is partitioned.

We got an warning while validating.
main_program: You have specified the query:
'Select a.c1, a.c2, b.c3,b.c4
from table1 a, table2 b
Where a.c3= b.c3'
to run in parallel without using the NODENUMBER clause to localize the query.
This may result in extracting mutiple copies of the answer set leading to incorrect results and sub-optimal performance.

We need to execute this query in parallel mode for reading because we have billions of records.

Is there any other way that we can execute this query in parallel mode[/quote]