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Abort with row too big for inter stage rowbuffer

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:02 am
by chaitanyavm
I have a job that does XML transformation. When large amount of data is passed through this job it aborts with
row too big for inter stage rowbuffer
I tried with disabling row buffer, using project defaults, enabling row buffer and having large buffer size etc. Is anyone familiar with this issue?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:50 pm
by datastage
I just came across this error message in a standard transformer in DataStage Server.

I'm curious as to what the first step should be... bumping up the row buffer size until you no longer get the error or just disable row buffering for the job.

DataStage Administrator should show you what the project defaults are. The point of row buffering is to improve performance. Did your job run without this any errors when you disabled row buffering?