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Preserve Partioning Flag

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:05 am
by suma
Hi ,
what is the purpose of Preserve Partioning Flag???
If Preserve Partioning flag is "SET"
Can I change the existing partitioning method which is different from the preceding stage.

Help me out!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:00 am
by richdhan

If the preserve partitioning is PROPAGATE the partitioing of the previous stage will be used.

If the preserve partitioning is CLEAR the partitioning of the previous stage will not be used instead the partitioning you set for the current stage will take effect.

If the preserve partitioning is SET the partitioning you set for the current stage will take effect and will continue for the remaining stages until you set it to CLEAR.

By using this setting properly you can avoid some warnings. Pls search this forum for more information on this.

