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Pipeline Parallelism

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:37 am
by bks_prasad
Hi All,
How to define pipeline parallelism explicitely????Is there any way to control pipe line parallelism explicitely like partition parallelism?

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:14 am
by ray.wurlod
A simple explanation of pipeline parallelism is the ability for a downstream stage to begin processing a row as soon as an upstream stage has finished processing that row (rather than processing one row completely through the job before beginning the next row).

Pipeline parallelism is managed in parallel jobs automatically.

In server jobs you have the choice of employing or not employing row buffering, or of using an IPC (inter process communication) stage, or using a passive stage type. In each case, the idea is to introduce a process boundary, so that multiple processes can process the rows, and to provide some kind of buffering mechanism so that the rows can be passed between the processes.

The best place to look is Chapter 2 of the Server Job Developer's Guide, where these concepts are discussed in detail. A brief summary of what pipeline and partition parallelism are is in Chapter 2 of the Parallel Job Developer's Guide.

Re: Pipeline Parallelism

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:45 pm
by bks_prasad
Hi ray,
Thank you very much for your response,now i have got clear idea
about pipeline parallelism.
But i have some clarifications on partition parallelism.
Suppose If I choose "Round Robin" partition method and
if I select Node pool and resource constraints to a
specific pool lets say "pool1" which contains 1 processing node.
In this scenario Data will be partitioned into how many partitions??
I am using OracleEnterprise Stage

Thanks in Advance


Re: Pipeline Parallelism

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:46 pm
by bks_prasad
Hi ray,
Thank you very much for your response,now i have got clear idea
about pipeline parallelism.
But i have some clarifications on partition parallelism.
Suppose If I choose "Round Robin" partition method and
if I select Node pool and resource constraints to a
specific pool lets say "pool1" which contains 1 processing node.
In this scenario Data will be partitioned into how many partitions??
I am using OracleEnterprise Stage

Thanks in Advance


Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:39 am
by ray.wurlod
That's easy. If you have one processing node, then you have only one processing node, and no partitioning of the data will take place. The round robin algorithm will place the first row onto node 1 (of 1), then the second row onto node 1 (of 1), and so on.