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I'm thinking about upgrading to Datastage Enterprise v7.5

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:56 am
by Marley777
Hi, I need to get your opinions on upgrades!! :)

I'm thinking about upgrading to Datastage Enterprise v7.5 from 7.0(unix), but I'm not sure what to expect. Was upgrading to new Datastage versions easy or difficult for you and why? When new versions come along are there a lot of bugs and problems that need to be ironed out with each new version? We are wondering if it would be best to wait for all the bugs to be found and patches developed for those bugs before we upgrade :!:

Bad experiences with Datastage upgrades are welcome and would be helpful !!!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:16 pm
by vmcburney
If you want to move to a more robust version you should consider 7.1, there are a few bugs in 7.0 that have been ironed out in the next couple of releases. I don't know much about 7.5, I'm not sure it's even out yet, but generally the core functions should all be okay and the most likely place for defects is in any new or overhauled components.

Upgrades are easy, do a forum search for the threads on these. Things like backing up projects and retaining settings are discussed in those threads.