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Development 7x and Production with Oracle Scripts

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:07 pm
by chou
Hi all,

I am new to 7x and my client is developing jobs in 7x earlier the system DW runs under Oracle Scripts and converting all loads into DS PX. still production loads using Ora Scripts.

I wanna know how to migrate all PX jobs from Development to Production, where PRD is Ora Scripts.

Give me a brief on this issue.



Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:02 pm
by ray.wurlod
It's a decision you have to take.

You can either create DataStage jobs to generate text files that the scripts can use to load into the production tables, or you can design DataStage jobs that replace the functionality of the scripts.

Either is possible, even a hybrid approach where the logic of the scripts is moved into DataStage but you continue to use sqlldr driven from DataStage.

You will have to convince the Oracle DBAs and business users that the logic of your DataStage jobs produces the same results as the current Oracle scripts, typically by means of walkthroughs and proof-of-concept job runs.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:28 pm
by chou
Thanks Ray,

Actually my team already developed the DS Jobs for the loads. my job is to migrate those DS Jobs to Production( where prd is now loading sqlldr). What is the process to start. They designed the model and DS Jobs, only to migrate those to PRD.

One more issue, the orther case is like this. The PRD is 6x and the Dev is 7x need to upgrade the PRD to 7x, i need help in both cases.

Thanks and Really Appriciated


Development 7x and Production with Oracle Scripts

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:47 pm
by bigpoppa
The upgrade from 6x to 7x shouldn't be a problem. Just import the 6x dsx file into 7x.

As for moving from loading data using sqlldr vs. using PX, it is as Ray said. Write the data out to a flat file and then call the sqlldr script outside of PX and give the sqlldr command the name of the flat file you generated.