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Setting global envioronment variables within Datastage Adm

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:06 am
by Marley777
Hello, I'm new to the Datastage PX 7.0(UNIX), and I'm wondering if someone could give me some examples of ways you have utilized the envirionment variable within Datastage Adm. I realize global environment variables differ from project to project, and there are some common to all projects such as the APTDB2INSTANCE, SRC_DIR, TMP_DIR, ERR_DIR, and DB2INSTANCE. Are there any other global environment variables that one might want to set for each project? How have you utilized your envioronment variables?



Re: Setting global envioronment variables within Datastage A

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 11:32 am
by Teej
Read my post about this on this forum:


Do me a favor and file an enhancement request. :)


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:57 pm
by vmcburney
In case you haven't read the release notes for 7.0.1:
Environment variable support has been enhanced to provide dynamic setting of environment variable job parameters, via a project environment variable, at runtime. This prevents the need to re-compile the job to pickup a new environment variable value.
A welcome improvement in handling of job parameters.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 2:41 pm
by Teej
I totally missed that one...

*searches through 7.0.1 on UNIX Readme docs*


*searches through 7.0.1 Windows CD readme docs*


Where did you find this information?
