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Capturing Before Image for Audit

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:56 pm
by Su

I need to create a parallel job that does an update or insert and in the case of update, I need to insert the old record into an audit table.

My job is as follows (sorry - am not able to attach an image here)

BeforeData(Oracle Stage O1) -> ChangeCapture (C1)
AfterData (Oracle Stage O2) -> ChangeCapture (C1)

C1 outputs only insert(change_code = 1) and update (Change_code = 3 - edit) to a Transformer Stage(T1)

T1 -> Oracle Stage (O3) (insert/update)

How do I get BeforeData to insert into an audit table?

I thought of having a lookup stage into T1 but am not able to have a reference link into T1.

Also am not able to get the before image when using a change apply stage.

Any help is appreciated.
