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error log with column i need help too...

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:17 am
by MARKO970
thans all for your help.

I have problems too. my job is as follow :

an input seq file ----> trasformer------> db2 stage
!____> rejectedrows stage.

i need to insert in a table (or in a file) a log message for each record rejected.
the message have to contain the name of the column that raise the error.

i'm trying to connect a log stage to the transformer and repeating in it the reverse costraints for the rejected rows
is this the right way ???

1stpoint,rahul and teej have tried to help me in a precedent topic, but i've not well ungerstand ...
excuse me but i'm new for ds, this is the first time i'm working with ds.

thanks to all.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:16 am
by kduke

I would try to extract the column name from the job log. There are a lot of posts on reading the RT_LOG file. Do a search. All this depends on the feedback from DB2 to DataStage as inserts or updates fail.


error log with column i need help too...

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:28 am
by bigpoppa
I don't think it's easy to get the DB2 error message for rejects from within PX. My suggestion is that you change your design to:

input --> transformer --> sequential_file(s).

Then outside of datastage, load DB2 and generate the rejects log.

Then, in PX or DS, do:

rejects_log --> transformer --> DB2 error log table.

This is very similar to Teej's suggestion. His suggestion is faster than this solution, but this solution is a little easier to understand.

- BP

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:15 am
by MARKO970
thank's for your helps.

abaut the teejs post i don't understand if i have attach the log/error stage
to the transformer or or on the db2 stage:
and in log/error stage constraints i have to write :
If (col1...Then 'col1' else if col2... then 'col2') ?

another little question... how can assign the name of the column to a
stage variable??? as follow???

... col1 constr. Then 'col1' else if col2 constr. then 'col2'

thank's all for your help!!!