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The REST step is unable to invoke the REST service call

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:10 am
by sandhya.budhi
The REST call is failing with the error

CDIER0961E: The REST step is unable to invoke the RESTservice, peer not authenticated

The REST call was successful during previous executions and suddenly we started receiving the above error message as response when the job do a REST call.

I checked with the infrastructure team and no upgrades has been done on the datastage side which could have caused this issue.

Can you please help me how to proceed with this error?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:13 am
by chulett
In your shoes, I would start with a Google search for "java peer not authenticated".

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:28 am
by sandhya.budhi
I did Google Search and I got the details from IBM troubleshooting saying that we need to upgrade DataStage jdk ... wg22008850

That's why I reached my infrastructure team to check any upgrades have done so there is some issues happening when doing a REST call.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:58 am
by chulett
Let us know what you find out!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 11:14 am
by eostic
I can only guess, but maybe it is a certificate issue.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 11:26 am
by sandhya.budhi
I tried running the datastage job by giving Optional Argument in Hierarchical Stage as

The logs showed the below message

pool-1-thread-3, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 121
pool-1-thread-3, handling exception: Connection reset
pool-1-thread-3, IOException in getSession(): Connection reset
pool-1-thread-3, called close()
pool-1-thread-3, called closeInternal(true)
pool-1-thread-3, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: warning, description = close_notify
pool-1-thread-3, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2
pool-1-thread-3, Exception sending alert: Broken pipe
pool-1-thread-3, called closeSocket(selfInitiated)
pool-1-thread-3, called close()
pool-1-thread-3, called closeInternal(true)

I reached the Network team to further investigate on this.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:40 pm
by sandhya.budhi
The issue is resolved by enabling the Proxy in the Hierarchical Stage. Also the Enable SSL option is checked along with the Basic Authentication.

The REST call is happening fine and success return code is received from call.

Basically the issue was with SSL certificate and once we enable it from DataStage everything went fine.